A thing doesn't want to happen to me just came to me.
Nightmare - why me? why this time?
I know people can't have perfect lives.
Everyone has own problems, worries, issues and hardships.
"But this is the worst ", people always say like this comparing to other people's situation.
Or maybe like this..."I'm the unhappiest person in the world."
Unfortunately, I have an issue to face at the moment, I could/should believe that I'm not alone to fight against this , and that I am still loved by at least one person even though I made a mistake.
Be strong, confident and positive.
I know there is the love...and I deserve the love.
1 件のコメント:
HEY! I like your blog! You are gorgeous and whatever you are struggling with at the moment I pray that you will be able to overcome the difficulties. Trust and have hope. Thinking of you.
Love Jes